Download 3D models for Games, AR and VR Development

Download 3D models for Games, AR and VR Development

Karabiner 98k 3D model

  • Geometry: Polygonal
  • Polygons: 249000
  • Vertices: 260000
  • Materials: Yes

Available formats

  • *.max (3ds Max 2008 scanline)
  • *.max (3ds Max 2008 vray)
  • *.fbx (Multi Format)
  • *.obj (Multi Format)
  • *.3ds (Multi Format)
  • *.mb (Maya 8.5)
  • *.lwo (Lightwave 6)
  • *.c4d (Cinema 4D 11)

The Karabiner 98k 3D model includes a wooden stock, cylindrical barrel, and metal action with an adjustable rear sight. Incorporate the model into a historical scene by applying accurate textures and appropriate lighting in the render.

Position it alongside other military 3D models such as uniforms, equipment, or vehicles to create a cohesive environment. Ensure the scale of the model matches surrounding elements for a realistic presentation.